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Unit 15Emerging TechnologiesChapter 1: Invisible threats
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Chapter 1

Invisible threats

Nano technology and artificial intelligence

Examples of less lethal weapons

Non Lethal or Less Lethal come in a great variety. The table on the right side gives you an overview over the most important systems. Please click to enlarge.

Kinetic EnergyImpact munitions (wooden dowels, bean bags, plastic bullets, water cannons, ring airfoil projectile, foam rubber projectiles )
Barriers and entanglementsDevices to slow the progress and stop vehicles or boats (nets, chains, spikes, rigid foams)
Electricale.g. Taser stun guns, retractable stun sword, exoskeleton stun weapon, wireless electrical weapon (e.g Close Quarters Shock Rifle), laser-induced plasma weapon
AcousticAcoustic generators, acoustic cannon, long-range acoustic devices
Directed energyHigh-power microwave, milimitre wave, lasers, pulsed energy, projectile weapon
ChemicalRCAs, malodrants, anti-traction materials, obscurants, sticky foam, anti-material chemicals, defoilians/herbicides
Chemical/BiochemicalCalmatives, convulsants, incapacitants
BiologicalAnti-material microorganisms, anti-crop agents
Combined technologiesFlash-bang grenads, kinetic + chemical dispersal devices, optical + chemical dispersal devices
Delivery systemsNon-lethal munitions (e.g mortar shells), landmises, unmanned vehicles and vessels, encapsulation/microencapsulation